Rachel Ridings Joins Provident as Culture Champion and Recruiter

News, Staff Profile, Views

Rachel Ridings has joined Provident as Culture Champion and Recruiter. As part of her job is to be a voice for DEI&B (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging), she or a DEI&B committee member will be writing regularly for this newsletter.

What can we expect to see in the coming months? Blog posts featuring various diversity topics, new discussion groups, an awesome Allyship program, and more.

What do you hope people learn from reading these articles?

I hope employees can learn that we are all different, but those differences also make us similar. Also that we can all connect and support one another by acknowledging these things. I hope that we can all accept and embrace the fact that we all have to own DEI&B efforts to truly improve our workplace.

How does this benefit individuals? Provident? Really diving into DEI&B benefits the individual by bringing new and different perspectives for each of us. While it is impossible to live someone else’s experience, the best we can do is be open, accepting, and educate ourselves. If each one of us at Provident really takes this learning to heart, we will create a workplace where people are allowed to truly be their authentic selves. This is going to enrich our work lives as well as our clients’ experiences while we serve them.